Why Every Double Glazing Installation Starts with a Home Consultation. Here are the Benefits of our Process.

Here at Eversure, we understand that each home is unique, and homeowners have different needs when it comes to double glazing.

By visiting your home and meeting with you, we can gain an understanding of your environment, assess your existing joinery and determine what the best installation service and glass solutions are for you. Whether you’re looking at improving heat retention, reducing noise, providing cooling in summer or protecting furnishings, you will find a solution within our SureTemp© and Safe+Sound© range.

Visiting your home also allows us to take accurate measurements, discuss possible window configuration improvements and ensure your new windows and doors are all specified to the current safety standards. This enables us to provide systematic pricing for your unique double glazing project.

Get in touch with us now to get your own personalised consultation by clicking here!


Do I need to move out of my house when double glazing is being installed?


How Can I Double Glaze My Timber Windows?